Only at the end of the14-day detention period then allowed by law did police find the required evidence on Mr Barot's computers. 直到法律允许的十四天拘留期限快结束的时候,警察才巴罗特先生的电脑里发现需要的证据。
U.S officials investigating the alleged incident at Guantanamo detention facility, say they have found no evidence to confirm it took place. 美国调查关塔那摩湾拘留营亵渎事件的官员说,并没有发现证据证实这一事件发生过。
The detention system in effect plays an important role in finding the facts of cases and gathering evidence. 现行拘留制度在查明案件事实、收集证据的过程中发挥了重要的保障功能。
Such object includes compulsory investigation measures to restrict personal freedom such as arrestment, detention and custody, and measures to save evidence from damage such as search and attachment. 司法审查的对象包括了限制人身自由的强制性侦查措施,包括逮捕、拘留、审前羁押等,以及为保全证据而采取的强制性侦查措施,包括搜查、扣押等。
The paper analyzes and summed up the influencing factors for the risk of pre-trial detention, based on the statistics of procuratorial organs, and the academic research about the escape, suicide, and preservation of evidence, recidivism, hindering the safety and order, retaliation. 文章结合学界关于逃跑、自杀、证据保全、再犯、安全和秩序、打击报复等问题的研究成果和检察机关的统计资料,分析、总结了影响各种风险发生可能性的因素。
Perfecting the mechanisms for extorting confessions by torture, evidence of acts of violence to discover including the focus on strengthening supervision of the prosecution, the reform on detention center and establish and improve reporting system about the confessions by torture, evidence of violence. 刑讯逼供、暴力取证行为的及时发现机制重点包括加强检察监督,对看守所进行改革及建立健全刑讯逼供、暴力取证控告制度等。
In organization sell human organs of the behavior of people use illegal detention behavior, or organization sell human organs forged false evidence behavior was implicated crime, punishment according to the crime. 从事组织出卖人体器官的行为人运用非法拘禁的行为,或者为组织出卖人体器官伪造虚假证明材料的行为成立牵连犯,按照一罪名处罚。